Other Map Information

Other Map Information

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Please see the following list of the most requested informational maps:

The Eagle County GIS Department also publishes the Eagle County Road and Address Atlas. This atlas is intended to be used primarily as a printed document but can also be saved to your computer. The atlas will be very useful for anyone who needs a comprehensive atlas of the county for locating roads or specific properties by address.

Please refer to the links below to view examples of the cover page, index pages, and detailed pages contained in the atlas.

You may request a copy of the Eagle County Road and Address Atlas in its entirety be sent to you on CD ROM for a fee of $40 per copy.

Please send your request and a check to:
Eagle County GIS
P.O. Box 850
Eagle, CO 81631-0850

The Eagle County Road and Address Atlas is most readable when printed double-sided and in color on 11 x 17 inch paper; however, it can also be printed on 8 ½ x 11 inch paper, and in black and white.

Please contact the GIS Department at 970-328-3551 if you have any questions regarding the atlas. We hope you find it to be a very useful product.

Custom Mapping

Custom maps can be printed at any size ranging from 8.5 x 11 inches to 34 x 44 inches. The fee for custom maps is $5 per 8.5 x 11 or 11 x 17 print and $20 for any print larger than 11 x 17. There is also a charge of $60 per hour for staff time. Please contact a member of the GIS Department staff to request a map.

We require one week to complete requests. Maps can be picked up at the Eagle County Building in Eagle, or can be mailed to you. Payment is accepted in cash or check.

We also sell many digital map layers in GIS or AutoCAD format. For a list of layers and prices please view the data pricing sheet.
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