Adopted Long Range Plans

Adopted Long Range Plans

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Long range planning in Eagle County is conducted by the Community Development Department under the direction of the Eagle County Planning Commission, and involves a public process that seeks input from community leaders, resource management agencies, service providers, special interest groups, and involved citizens. The Planning Commission is responsible for the implementation of the planning process and for the review and adoption of long range planning documents. The Board of County Commissioners provides recommendations and assures the availability of staff and other resources necessary for this important work. Long range plans typically provide lists of goals, objectives, policies and strategies that can be employed to achieve the community vision. Long range plans are living documents that can be adjusted as conditions or values change. As determined appropriate by the Planning Commission, exceptions to the plan can be made.

Eagle County, as a statutory County, is required by the State of Colorado to create long-range Master Planning documents, called Comprehensive Plans and Area Community Plans. Per Colorado Revised Statute (CRS), 30-28-106, comprehensive plans are required for counties and municipalities above 10,000 people in Colorado. The master planning of a local government constitutes an advisory document to guide land development decisions. The plan may be regulatory by including it in the local government’s adopted subdivision, zoning, platting, planned unit development (PUD), or other similar land development regulations after satisfying notice, due process, and hearing requirements for legislative or quasi-judicial processes as appropriate. The current Eagle County Land Use Regulations require certain development permits to be in “substantial conformance” with the Plan, Area Community Plans, and other Eagle County departments adopted plans. The standard of “Conformance with the Comprehensive Plan” for specific development projects, demonstrates the importance of a well written, clear, and visionary document that reflects the desires of residents, professionals, and visitors to Eagle County.
Adopted Long Range Plans
The 2005 Eagle County Comprehensive Plan (2005 Plan) is the overarching document that provides general goals and policies for the entire county on the topics of governance, development, economics, housing, infrastructure, and natural resources. The 2005 Plan remains in place until the adoption of the 2021 Comprehensive Plan update by the planning commission.

Within the Comprehensive Plan are Area Community Plans for eleven separate geographic areas within the county. Area Community Plans provide increased detail and include area specific goals and policies and detailed Future Land Use Maps (FLUMs) to help guide land use and infrastructure decisions.

On September 3, 2020, the Roaring Fork Valley Regional Planning Commission unanimously adopted by Resolution the Mid-Valley Trails Plan Executive Summary, Mid-Valley Trails Plan, and the Appendix.

For information on trails planning in the Eagle River Valley, please visit the ECO Trails website.
There is also a set of Special Master Plans that exist outside of the Comprehensive Plan that deal with specific topics or operations of importance. The Special Master Plans listed below are administered by the agencies identified in each of the plans. Any questions related to the plans, please contact the individual agencies.

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